Business development
















Challenges encountered

Accelerating international commercial development is often a challenge. The hurdles are many, and finding the right sales profile for success is a real challenge. Several questions arise:

  • How can you intensify your commercial activity without recruiting a local sales force?

  • How can you manage your key accounts remotely?

  • How can you identify and prospect new clients?

  • How can you develop new, unexploited market segments?

  • Is it possible to find a part-time sales representative to develop our sales?


Our solutions

We offer a comprehensive range of services to cover all the needs for a successful outsourced, part-time commercial development:

  • Prospecting and qualified targeting of your customers: Identify relevant prospects for your business.
  • Ensure transparent tracking of your commercial activities.
  • Management of your key accounts: Maximize the value of your strategic customers.
  • Animation and deployment of your distribution networks: Strengthen your market presence.
  • Outsourced sales administration and order tracking: Simplify your administrative processes.
We are committed to providing you with effective solutions to achieve your commercial objectives.

Our methodology

  • Strategic alignment: Our methodology aligns with the strategy defined for the target country, combining proactive prospecting with effective management of existing clients.

  • On-the-Ground presence: With a strong field presence, we are committed to meeting prospects and clients where they are, strengthening relationships through regular and personalized interactions.

  • Team expertise: Our multidisciplinary team is experienced in sales techniques, including prospecting, development and negotiation.

  • Customer acquisition: We assist you in convincing and concluding new contracts with clients in your target market.

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Notre méthodologie

Notre approche et notre méthodologie s'alignent/s’aligneront avec la stratégie décidée sur le pays cible, intégrant un mix efficace de prospection proactive et de gestion des clients existants. Forts de notre présence sur le terrain/ bénéficiant d’une solide présence sur le terrain, nous nous engageons à rencontrer les prospects et les clients là où ils se trouvent, assurant ainsi la pérennité des relations par des contacts réguliers et personnalisés. Notre équipe multidisciplinaire et rompue aux techniques commerciales telles que la prospection, le développement et la négociation, vous permettra de convaincre et signer de signe/conclure de nouveaux accords/contrats avec de nouveaux clients sur votre marché cible.

Let's talk about your business objectives