Market study & strategic analysis
















Challenges encountered

Expanding or establishing a presence abroad requires making strategic decisions. Each market presents unique challenges, so it is essential to ask the right questions:

  • Who are my competitors and the key players in the ecosystem?

  • What is the market structure?

  • What cultural specificities need to be taken into account?

  • What are the market trends?

  • Which market entry mode should be prioritized?

  • What is the regulatory environment and what are the legal constraints?


Our solutions

We offer a comprehensive range of services to assist you in making strategic decisions:

  • Market Research: Market analysis, segmentation mapping and identification of key players, distribution channels, trend analysis, and regulatory framework.
  • Product & Market Testing: Interviews, demand analysis, interest inventory, and opinion surveys.
  • Competitive Analysis: Offer positioning, in-store checks, pricing, and marketing strategies.
  • Strategic Consulting and Recommendations: GO/NO GO analysis, customized strategies, and recommendations.

Our methodology

Environment analysis
  • SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats): This analysis examines the internal strengths and weaknesses of a company as well as the external opportunities and threats in its environment.
  • PESTEL Analysis (Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Environmental, Legal): This analysis explores external factors that can influence a company by examining political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental, and legal aspects of its environment.
  • Porter's Five Forces Analysis: This approach evaluates market competitiveness by examining five forces: the threat of new entrants, supplier power, buyer power, threat of substitutes, and competitive rivalry among existing players.
  • Value Chain Analysis: This analysis identifies key activities that add value to a product or service throughout its production chain, from suppliers to end customers.
  • Market Segmentation Analysis: This approach divides the market into homogeneous segments based on demographic, geographic, behavioral, or psychographic criteria to better understand the needs and preferences of different customer groups.
  • Persona Analysis: This method creates fictional profiles representing typical customer segments to better understand their needs, purchasing behaviors, and motivations.
  • Market Trends Analysis: This approach identifies and analyzes emerging trends that may impact the market, such as technological advancements, demographic changes, or new regulations.
  • Case Studies and Benchmarks: This method studies the strategies and performance of competitors or similar companies in other markets to identify best practices and lessons learned.
Market entry strategy
  • Entry Mode Choice: Select the optimal method for entering the foreign market, such as exporting, partnering, acquiring, joint venturing, franchising, or licensing.

  • Local Market Analysis: Study the characteristics of the target market, including consumer preferences, competition, and economic conditions.

  • Risk Assessment: Identify and evaluate potential risks associated with each entry mode, such as economic fluctuations, political instabilities, or cultural differences.

  • Resource Identification: Determine the human, financial, and material resources needed to implement the chosen entry strategy.

  • Risk Mitigation Strategies: Develop strategies to mitigate identified risks, such as diversifying suppliers or establishing financial risk management mechanisms.

  • Ongoing Evaluation: Establish mechanisms to continuously assess the effectiveness of the entry strategy and make necessary adjustments based on feedback and observed performance.

Evaluation : Go/No go
  • Product/Market Fit: Conduct market research to understand the needs of local consumers and test the product or service on a sample of the target market to gather feedback and assess its alignment with customer expectations.

  • Logistical and Distribution Challenges: Analyze the supply chain to identify potential friction points, evaluate local infrastructure, and establish partnerships with specialized logistics companies to ensure efficient distribution.

  • Legal Aspects: Review local laws and regulations, including compliance and safety requirements, to ensure that the product meets all current regulations.

  • Cultural Adaptation: Understand the values and behaviors of local consumers, tailor products or services to meet cultural expectations, and develop appropriate marketing campaigns.

  • Regulation Compliance: Analyze local safety, quality, and environmental standards, and obtain the necessary licenses to operate in the market.

  • Customs Barriers: Investigate customs tariffs, taxes, and import restrictions, and develop strategies to minimize customs costs and overcome entry barriers.

Implementation and follow-up
  • Action Plan: Develop a detailed execution plan by breaking down the project into specific steps. Assign clear responsibilities for each task and define the necessary resources. Establish a precise timeline with milestones and deadlines to track progress.

  • Resources and Infrastructure: Allocate necessary resources, including personnel and logistical and technological infrastructure, to support the launch and ongoing operations.

  • Training and Development: Organize training sessions for employees and local partners to ensure they are well versed in the products/services and operational processes.

  • Monitoring and Adjustments: Implement a monitoring system to regularly track progress against set goals. Collect regular feedback from customers and employees, conduct periodic reviews of the strategy, and adjust plans accordingly to stay aligned with strategic objectives.

Let's talk about your project