Cross-borders mergers and acquisitions
















Challenges encountered

The acquisition of an existing local company may be the most appropriate entry strategy for certain international markets. This solution is an alternative to setting up a subsidiary. In this scenario, a number of strategic questions need to be asked:

  • What are the targets the most suitable for my activity ?

  • How to approach these structures  confidentially?

  • How best to negotiate the approach?

  • How do you establish the value of the target?
  • How can we manage intercultural differences to ensure the successful integration of the acquired structure?

Our solutions

Expandys manages the entire acquisition or disposal process, from finding targets or buyers to finalising the transaction, including coordinating the work of external legal and accounting experts.

  • Cross-border transactions are our speciality.
  • Medium-sized cross-border deals (from €5m to €100m), whatever the business sector, are what we focus on.
  • Our teams are multidisciplinary, comprising M&A experts and bicultural managers with a local presence.
  • We offer a global service, thanks to the Globallians network, enabling us to target several countries simultaneously.

Our methodology

  • Targeting, qualifying and selecting partners : Identification of targets using Expandys databases and local networks. Drafting of an M&A negotiation document presenting the acquirer and its strategy in order to generate interest from potential targets.

  • Direct approach: Direct contact with targets after validation by the client and organization of meetings.

  • Signing of the Letter of Intent (LOI): Facilitation of discussions until the signing of the LOI.

  • Organisational audit of the structure: Coordination of financial, legal and industrial due diligence.

  • Preliminary offer: Financial evaluation based on the information gathered, preparation of the non-binding offer.


Notre méthodologie

Le ciblage, la qualification et la sélection des partenaires

Identification des cibles à partir de bases de données et des réseaux locaux d’Expandys. Rédaction d’un support de négociation M&A présentant l'acquéreur et sa stratégie pour susciter l'intérêt des cibles potentielles.


Contact direct avec les cibles après validation par le client et organisation des rencontres.

La signature de la Letter of Intent (LOI)

Facilitation des échanges jusqu'à la signature de la lettre d’intention.


L'audit organisationnel de la structure

Coordination des due diligences financières, juridiques et industrielles.

L'offre préliminaire

Évaluation financière basée sur les informations collectées, élaboration de l'offre non engageante.

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