Recruit international talents
















Recruitment challenges

Finding and recruiting top talent in a foreign market is often a challenge. It is always more difficult than in your home market, and finding precise and concrete answers to your questions can sometimes be a challenge:

  • What are the salaries in practice in the target market and how do you negotiate them?

  • What are the legal requirements and employment regulations in the target country?

  • What benefits in kind can be offered to the candidate, taking into account the country of employment, to finalise the recruitment?

  • What budget should be included to cover recruitment costs?

  • How can we ensure a good integration of the new employees into our corporate culture?


Our solutions

Find the best national and international Talents for your company with our bespoke and targeted headhunting and Executive Search services:

  • We offer you privileged access to a pool of qualified and experienced international talents.
  • We use proven recruitment methods to identify, assess and select the most relevant profiles to meet your specific needs.
  • We manage the entire recruitment process so that you can concentrate on your core business.
  • Our recruitment team understands the cultural specificities of international recruitment.
  • We have a flexible and responsive approach because we understand that recruitment needs can change rapidly.

Our methodology

  • Ideal profile: Personalised advice to define the profile of the ideal candidate, tailored to the requirements of the local market.

  • Candidate selection: In-depth interviews to create a shortlist of candidates who meet your criteria and objectives.

  • Integral support during final interviews: Comprehensive assistance and advice on recruitment procedures and employment contracts to ensure a transition in compliance with local standards.

  • Preparation of employment contracts: Careful drafting of contracts, ensuring legal compliance and adaptation to regional specificities.

  • Local accommodation for VIE or employees: Provision of accommodation within our local structure to facilitate the professional integration of personnel.

  • Coverage of post-recruitment HR needs: Complete management of HR aspects after recruitment.


Notre méthodologie

Le profil idéal

Nous vous conseillons sur le profil du candidat idéal, prenant en compte les particularités et les exigences spécifiques du marché local. Notre analyse fine du contexte vous garantit un candidat adapté et performant. 

La sélection de candidats

Nous procédons à une première série d'entretiens approfondis pour établir une short list de candidats correspondant à vos critères et objectifs.

Un support intégral

Durant la phase finale des entretiens, nous apportons un support complet et prodiguons des conseils sur les procédures d'embauche ainsi que sur les contrats de travail, assurant une transition fluide et conforme aux régulations locales.


Les contrats de travail

Notre équipe expérimentée prend en charge la préparation minutieuse des contrats de travail, garantissant leur conformité légale et leur adaptation aux spécificités du pays.

L'hébergement local

Nous assurons l'hébergement de votre VIE (Volontariat International en Entreprise) ou de votre salarié au sein de notre structure locale, offrant un environnement optimal pour son intégration professionnelle.

La gestion RH

Couverture de l'ensemble de besoins RH post recrutement

Let's talk about the required candidate profile